On 11 January 2006 the RIPE NCC (Reseaux IP Europeens Network
Coordination Centre) in partnership with the RIPN (Russian Institute for
Public Networks)and Moscow Internet Excahnge(MSK-IX) switched on a new
mirror instance of the K-root Internet root name server in Novosibirsk,
The K-root server is one of the 13 Internet root name servers that resolve
lookups for domain names all over the world. It forms a critical part of
the global Internet infrastructure. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a
service used to translate between host names and Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses by virtually all Internetworking software, including e-mail and
web browsers.
Being connected to the Novosibirsk Internet Exchange (NSK-IX) the local
node instance of K-root name server is accessible to every member of
NSK-IX (http://www.ripn.net:8080/ix/en).
Considering there are no other root name servers in the region, the new
server will dramatically increase the speed of accessing web addresses for
users in Siberia. The new server will as well allow to decrease response
times of DNS-servers and to reduce international traffic volume.
Following Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on root servers in
October 2002, the RIPE NCC has worked to improve the reliability of the
root server system by installing mirror instances of K-root server.
The K-root server incorporates IP anycast technology. It uses routing
topology to send Internet traffic to the nearest or best destination. This
leads to better distribution of services and improves response times for
End Users.
The RIPE NCC has operated the K-root server since 1997, when we installed
the first instance at the London Internet Exchange (LINX) in London, UK.
Since early 2003, our engineers have deployed mirror instances of the
K-root serever in Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, Athens, Brisbane, Budapest, Doha,
Frankfurt, Geneva, Helsinki, Milan, Poznan, Reykjavik, Tokyo, Miami and
Delhi. And today the RIPE NCC in partnership with the RIPN deployed the
new local node of the network in Novosibirsk.
You can find out more about the K-root server at: